Sunday, April 18, 2010

Talking to Baby Renee!

This is how we talk to our granddaughter Renee in Louisiana!

Renee is attentive when we first start talking to her, and then she wiggles and gets bored with us, and just wants to play with the computer keyboard.  That doesn't stop us from visiting as often as we can. Our actual talking to her at this point, is still making silly faces and noises!  She likes that, and being told that we love her!  She likes it when our dog Hooch gets on my lap and looks toward the screen because he can hear moms (Jessica's) voice.  Hooch gets so excited, that if we don't let him on our lap, he will bark when he hears their voices!

Thank goodness for our webcam - so we can see how big she is getting every week.  In fact we visit with them at least twice a week. I am so thankful for this mighty piece of technology - can hardly believe we got this mastered!  It was just the other day I was saying we were technology handicapped! 

Just hung up with the kids again, and will wait for another day soon to see and talk to them.  This has to be the best invention ever for families that live far apart.  I think of our soldiers and those families so far apart now being able to use the webcam to keep in touch.  Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!


Rae said...

Technology is a wonderful thing when it comes to keeping us connected with our family. Without it you would be missing out on seeing that sweet little girl as she grows. I can't imagine how difficult it would be living that far apart and not being able to see and talk to her. You are so lucky to have mastered the webcam. Maybe you can teach me. I have never tried to use mine.

Buttercup said...

What fun it will be when Renee starts to talk. Love the picture of her in her cowgirl bib.

Leah said...

Interesting concept - blogland by webcam... I'm also happy we have facebook - we use this mostly when son is gone -- he gives us updates and we communicate by chatting. Great post!

Darcie said...

Technology has certainly taken away a little bit of the distant pains. We have a Skype call scheduled for tonight with my parents. One day soon your grand-baby will be talking your ear off.

Far Side of Fifty said...

I bet when she come to visit that she will react to your voices right is an amazing technology!:)