Friday, February 25, 2011

Got two done!

This past week hubby and I made a couple of Ottomans.  Got the great idea from a tutorial that Marty did awhile ago over at "A Stroll Thru Life".   We needed one to use with our new sofa.  I'll be getting a matching chair, but won't pay $399.00 for the ottoman that goes with it.  Besides that, our living room is too small for both a bigger chair and big ottoman!  Our living room is only 11' x 16', so is rather narrow!

We made two ottomans, a smaller one we'll keep, and a larger one  for Leah for her birthday.  Also made her some tapistry pillows, (she took them home already!).  The smaller one is 14"x18" and the other one is 22"x22".  In our small living room, the small one is just fine.  Leah has a lot of open space in her living room to use the big one.   
Sewed a piping that goes between the box and the top cushion. 

After I got done, (forgot to take  pictures of when I was putting the batting and foam all on!)  I stapled on the bottom black material, and poked a pencil into the hole Steve had earlier drilled for the feet. Before putting the feet on, I dribbled a little seam sealent on the material at the hole, so the material wouldn't fray more. Here Steve is screwing in the feet he made and stained. Then he screwed on gliders that covered the bolt to make it easy for moving on carpet, etc.

I found these little feet at the upholstry place in Fargo, but they didn't have bigger diameter ones that I wanted for the bigger ottoman.  I'm lucky to have a handy hubby to make them.  His turned out so good, that he now has the job of making more!

My ottomans are a little different than the one Marty did her tutorial on.  I made a top with a fitted seam instead of folding at the corners.  With solid colored material, I couldn't get the fold to look good, and with the faux suade the thickness became a problem.  So I used a seam at the top, and top stitched it.  The only folds are where I turned the material under the board at the corners, then stapled it all around.  I had some trouble with the folds on the larger one; and redid it several times!   It still puckered a little, but with use , ha ha! and in the dark, no one will notice!
In daylight, the color seems brighter red.  Of course, each brush of the hand, or blanket, makes it lighter or darker. A suede characteristic. 
Have a GREAT weekend!


shannon i olson said...

wow, you did an amazing job!!!
looks fantastic and go out to dinner on the money you saved woohoo!

Leah said...

Y'all should see them - they are wonderful - mine is the BIG one - I am anxious to get it home! And put my feet up!

Lynda said...

I agree with Shannon - - you both did an amazing job! You make a great team! You could take custom orders for those. I love an ottoman for my feet. We got some at Bed, Bath, and Beyond a couple of years ago.

Country Whispers said...

Those look great and I'm sure you saved a bunch by making your own.

Anonymous said...

What talent! I think I know where you got that from...S. and you make a great furniture making team! L. will enjoy that for a long, long time. Very nice you two. gn and v

Rae said...

Fantastic! I like them. They look really nice and knowing how much you saved by making them yourself makes them even better.

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hi Jo, They look awesome! You did a great job on them, they look so professional you could open your own shop! I like the color too! :)

"B" said...

Now aren't you the clever one? Great job. go prop up your feet and rest a spell.

Sybil said...

what a lovely colour they are..You are both so wonder everyone loves you X
Love Sybil

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh I am so proud of you, you did such an amazing job and the top seams looks fabulous. They just turned out gorgeous. Love the color and the fabric. Wasn't it fun to do. Wow, you really did such a great job. Love them. It's funny, they are so addicting, seems like I've made several for other people. Way too neat. Hugs, Marty

Linda Jackson said...

Great job...we too miss our grandchildren and wish they were closer....and they grow up tooo fast...blessings Linda J.

Feelin' the wind! said...

That is awesome Mom! Love it and love the new couch

gayle said...

You all did a wonderful job!

Shelley said...

I am so impressed - Love that ottoman!

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

Girl, you've just impressed the socks off me and I don't impress easy. What a wonderful job you did on your beautiful ottoman! Kudos to you!

God bless and have a beautiful day! place! :o)