Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Farm tour!

We had little neighbor visitors yesterday to see baby pigs and the new calf.  Of course they also had to play with Hooch and Odda and have treats afterward.

Viv holding a little day old!  Cute! Cute! Cute!

Marne had just given this little piggy a kiss!    They all wanted to hold the littlest pig- so Steve was changing pigs so they could all hold one.  After a little while the babies would wiggle and cry - they'd had enough of being held!  The alleyway where we were all standing is kind of narrow, so I couldn't get a picture of all the
kids holding a baby.
Keeping warm under the heat lamp.  These are a little older, born last week.  The kids didn't hold these - they're too strong for them already.  They're so inquisitive tho ~

So now you see why Steve wanted Red Angus cows and calves ~ have to match his red Duroc piggies!!!!

I checked out Lynda's question.  She didn't know there were Red Angus, and in checking out the Red Angus Association and the history, I learned that the in the 1940's cattlement started selecting and breeding red,  cropped from the best Angus herds in America.  in 1954 the Red Angus Association was established.  The black (B) is a dominant gene;  the red (b) color is a recessive gene, and then you get into homozygous red (bb) and homozygous black (BB) and heterozygous black, red carrier (Bb) charting.  Very interesting,  but the short of it is:  when you  have a black red carrier cow that cow will produce red calves.  If your red cow is bred by a red bull, you will have a red calf, even if any red parent had a black parent.  Red Angus carry no diluter genes so there are no greys that result when crossbreeding with blacks. The chart I have been checking out, is very interesting.  
 Soon the new momma and calf will be put in the pen closer to our house, so we'll be able to watch the little one run and kick up her heels!!!

We don't intend to get into breeding and selling cattle - just want to have a few cows and raise our own beef.  This way we know where our meat is coming from and know that they will be fed and cared for!
We  already have been eating our own beef from last year, and the meat is so o o o   good.  Sure beats getting it from the store!  


Country Gal said...

Wonderful photos. Lots of people dont know about the red breed of Angus only the black I am glad you put that in your post cause the reds are soo cute. We raised Hefers and Holstines. I have often found myself teaching Papa whom was raised in a small town not really familular with farm animals all about them as I was rasied on a farm. I do miss it and all the animals, one day Papa said we will have our own hobby farm with all the animals we love. Have a great day !

Sharon said...

I did not know about the red either.This was very interesting to me.
I wish we could raise our own meat too. We have an acreage but no place for animals.
The little piglets are so cute. Thanks for sharing this with us.

Cyndi said...

I agree with Sharon...I didn't know about the Red Angus and it's very, very interesting. It would be wonderful if most people could have their own farms (instead of the concrete jungle we have all over the country) and raise their own food. I think it would give them a new appreciation for their food, and the animals would be treated so much better and humanely, too. And gee, those little piglets are just the cutest little things! My uncle had a hog farm when I was a child and I loved going there... playing with baby pigs is so much fun!



Far Side of Fifty said...

Cute photos with the little pigs..such big smiles on the kids faces!!

Anonymous said...

I love the pics of the little ones holding the babies. So cute!

Lynda said...

Did I tell you about the time Grandpa had some baby pigs and his sister-in-laws had come to visit? Grandma had them in the good living room and my thought (now that I am older) is Grandpa either wanted to play a trick or wasn't thrilled they were there because he said, "Kids, I think your aunts would like to see the new babies. Why don't you put some in a basket and carry them down there to them?" Well, we thought it was a great idea, too - - because we were ages 10 and younger. We got in the "good" living room; set the basket down; and the piglets proceeded to run all over. Grandma was not happy!!! But she knew it wasn't our idea!
Did I already tell you that last year?
And THANKS for the info on the Angus. That was very interesting!