Projects for today: Brush Odda again! Every other day this week, to get out undercoat of winter hair. I've brushed out 4 grocery bags of hair this week! A dirty job, but with dogs like her, it needs to be done. We're going to a Pet Expo and Walkathon today! Will take pictures so we can post about it. Odda will enjoy herself. She loves to go to town and socialize with people and other dogs!
Then I need to make cookies today for church coffee between services for tomorrow. Think I'll make Mrs. Coppola's Italian Xmas Cookies. Even tho it's not Christmas, everyone will love them.
Then possibly do another batch of jelly. Made two batches last night of Strawberry-rhubarb. Turned out great, and I still have a lot of rhubarb to use. Need to get more strawberries tho. I've frozen a lot of rhubarb for later use, so if it doesn't get done, no big deal.
Homemade Ice Cream
We celebrated grand daughter Amanda's 18th birthday this week! Her other grandpa made this wonderful homemade ice cream that everyone loves. Usually done for birthdays. This time he had trouble making it and was afraid it wasn't going to be any good. As you can see, a good share was already eaten by the time I thought to take a picture.
Blowing out her 18 candles! Cake was a white with chocolate swirls and good frosting!
I didn't eat any cake as I'm on a diet. So can just imagine how good it was! After graduation, this party was small, with just Amanda, Mom, Dad, and the 4 grand parents. We'll be having another birthday party when Jessica, Floyd and Renee get here, as Renee will have turned 2 the day before their trip here.
Steve is in Iowa since Thursday at a National Hog show. Kind of like his annual trip with the guys!
He'll be home late tonight. I had called a repair man, as our clothes dryer went on the fritz and wasn't heating enough to dry the clothes. A repairman came out and checked everything and the dryer is okey, but we need to take down the (what I'll call the exhaust pipe) that goes from the dryer to outside to get rid of the lint. It is kind of a long pipe, and probably has lint stuck in a bunch inside somewhere. I couldn't do that myself (unless I really had too,) so he can do that when he gets home. I just stuck a nylon knee high sock on the dryer to catch lint, and have dried clothes. My wash and drying of clothes was getting backed up.
Now we just have a $75.00 service call bill to pay - wish we could have figured that out ourselves!
Oh did I tell you all, that Jessica from Country Whispers emailed me and suggested what to do so I could comment on everyone's blogs again!. When you sign on to google with your email and password, leave or uncheck the box where your sign in would be remembered. AND it worked for me. Now I need to get back to commenting on everyones blogs again. Will start that later today ~ so see ya all later.
Thanks Jessica!
Well, off to get ready for the Dog Expo.
Have a great Saturday everyone!