Babies everywhere! Here are some pictures of our piggy babies! The farrowing barn is heated, but the heat lamps help so the babies have a nice warm spot to lay and keep extra warm. When the little ones are between 4 and 5 weeks old, they are weaned from the moms and put in different pens. At that time, they'll be eating little pellets and drinking on their own. The sows will then be moved to another barn.
These little piggies are two weeks old and are so soft and cute.
This little piggy is about three weeks old. A face any mother could love!
This group is a little younger. Look at the ears on this little one! Usually on the red hogs (the breed is Durocs), their ears fold down. I'm sure his ears don't stick out now!
We got two new kittys from the goat farm. We need mousers in the barn, and they had way too many cats/kittens, so gave us two. The day we got them, we put them in one of the barns together. They must have been a little scared of the snorting of the pigs, and got out of the barn. The little grey kitty came up by the house and the dark one, ran up into the hay mow to hide.
Hooch is protecting kitty, now named Sophie, so that Odda doesn't hurt her. Well, you can see the kitty isn't too happy, and just seconds after I got that picture, the kitty took off for that tree.
Poor Sophie was up there where we couldn't reach her, so Steve had to get out his extension ladder to get her down.
Now both kittens are in the barn again, and are staying there. They are killing the mice and getting fed cat food too.
Visited friends of ours that have sheep and lambing is done. These little lambs are really cute. I had forgotten that lambs are born with long tails. At birth, a rubber band is put around the tail, and in about 2 weeks, the tail then falls off. No bleeding, no hurt.
They also have donkeys! When the sheep are put out in pasture land away from the farm buildings, the donkeys are out there with them, to protect the sheep from coyotes. Guess they can kick up a coyote pretty good. They got their donkeys from out west, when there was a round up of wild horses and donkeys. We have other friends that have bought horses from those round ups. They call it adopting, but you do pay something for them.
Oh maybe we need a couple of donkeys at our farm as well! I'm getting terrible. I like all farm animals! Especially when they're babies!