Got two garage doors installed yesterday and today. Oh, I can't wait to start parking inside. We have had the outside done for a few weeks, and have done some dirt work and set bricks around where we will have river rock installed in the spring. I think I'll plant some slow growing greens, like mugo pine or another low growing decorative bushes. Just not sure what I want yet.
We bought our garage doors from an installer that is now retired, but he did sell them to us, and came to help install two of them. Steve is going to do the third door by himself. So he'll work on that next week, while I'll be painting inside walls. I've painted this east side with the two doors, and he has the west wall up, so I can start painting that.
West wall - it takes a base coat and another coat of paint to cover this OSB board. Our walls are 9' high, so there is a foot of plyboard at the bottom - so that if any water splashes when washing cars, etc. it won't be absorbed by the OSB board. We have a drain in the middle of the floor and water faucet on the west wall. This west wall will have a work table for Steve. I'll get some extra storage for me on the south wall.
South side of the garage.
North side of garage and the third garage door. Skidsteer and other farm equipment will be able to come in and get warmed up!
Lookin good.
My flowers have frozen, and little scarecrow boy is pretty cold. Time to put him away soon! Snow will be flying again soon, and next time it'll probably stay on the ground. Look at how icey the deck is. It did melt off later as it warmed up. Our wet snowy week is past, and now a couple of nicer days are here again.Are you all ready for the Halloween goblins? We will have a few. Looking forward to them coming. Wishing my kids were little again - it was always fun to clean out pumpkins, decorate and help with the 4-H haunted house that we did as a 4-H club for years. Happy Halloween to you all!