I'll probably will be asleep on the couch and hubby in his chair when midnight arrives and the New Year begins - my crash after eveyone left has me almost in bed! I have a doozy of a sinus infection and my eyes look like I've been bawling all day! Which reminds me, I did really well when our Grandbaby and family left. Just a little tear. Wishing I was able to rock her to sleep some more. It makes you warm all over to hold a little baby, and we all enjoyed it. Baby Renee rolled over for the first time while they were here. Now she'll be on the move!
A little something I read earlier:
A Happy New Year!
Grant that I may bring no tear to any eye
When the New Year in time shall end
Let it be said I've played the friend,
Have lived and loved and labored here,
And made of it a Happy year.
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring happy bells across the snow,
The year is going, let him go;
Ring out the false, ring in the true
Happy New Year 2010
When the mid-nite bell rings tonight...
Let it signify new and better things for you.
let it signify a realization of all things you wish for,
Let it signify a year of courage and beliefs,
Wishing you a very---very prosperous 2010.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
House isQuiet!
Grandma and Grandpa picking up kids at the airport in MPLS.
Here is our Wonderful newest addition to our family - Baby Renee! She will be 6 months old on January 2nd. She was the best baby while she was here. She slept all night, took many naps during the day. IT WAS SO FUN to have a baby in the house again!
Steph, Cullen and Nick left on Saturday morning - drove to southern MN on more bad roads, but they needed to get home to plow out their own farm yard and get ready for work. It took them 8 hours to get home (normally a 4.5 to 5 hr drive). Floyd and Jessica went snowmobiling with Blake, Steven, Leah and Amanda. Floyd rode alot, and was kind of sore today on the ride to the airport. We couldn't have had a better Christmas. The snow made it perfect for playing outside. Some years it has been too cold to snowmobile; but the weatherman brought new snow to the area for us. We were lucky - kids arrived before the snow came in and didn't have to leave until today, after most of the other holiday travelers. They flew out of MPLS and into Houston, then to Lafayette, LA; arriving there about 8:30 pm this evening. Glad they are also home safe and sound.
With the last of our company leaving today; I'm now going to crash for a few days! Didn't get any blogging done while everyone was here = just too busy. I'm sure going to miss everyone, but already making plans for going south later this winter.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Preparing for our gathering!
We made pork patties! The kids in Louisiana want to take some seasoned pork patties home with them when they come for Christmas, so yesterday we got the job done. I think the southern MN kids will want to take some home also. We use unseasoned pork that was ground from the front shoulders the last time we had hogs butchered. Since we didn't think we had enough, we went to the local meat market and bought another 15 lbs of course ground pork. Ours had been packaged as 5 lbs in bags, and so we made up 25 lbs into seasoned patties. Steve has made up our own seasoning (I don't even know the recipe for that), and depending on how spicy you like your pork patties, depends on how much is mixed in. You mix the seasoning in with your hands, and then use the press to make your patty. We like ours about 1/3 lb. On a bun, it is the best "Ham" burger around!
After pressing out patties, we put them on a cookie sheet and put in the freezer for a couple of hours. We had to use cake pans too, and covered them with tin foil and put out in the pickup because we didn't have enough room in the freezer. And, believe it or not, those patties out in the truck froze faster than those in the freezer.
After frozen, we then put the patties in plastic and vacuum sealed the packages; ready to stay in the freezer until either grilled or pan fried for breakfast, lunch or supper! They are best grilled, but we put our grill away for the winter months. I fried up a couple to have as burgers for lunch - yum!
I have been so busy lately getting things ready for our "family gathering" that I am sorry to say I haven't been good about blogging. I won the giveaway of a coupon to use for a new Rowenta steamer iron, and will be getting the mail in coupon soon in the mail. Thank you Cathy from "Hazelruths" blog.
Below are pictures of some of the pillow cases I've been making for all the young people in our lives. These are fun and easy to make. I also have been busy getting other things made and in the mail. Boy is the postage cost out of this world! It costs more to mail things than I thought it was going too, but had some gifts done that needed mailing, so mail them, I did.
After pressing out patties, we put them on a cookie sheet and put in the freezer for a couple of hours. We had to use cake pans too, and covered them with tin foil and put out in the pickup because we didn't have enough room in the freezer. And, believe it or not, those patties out in the truck froze faster than those in the freezer.
After frozen, we then put the patties in plastic and vacuum sealed the packages; ready to stay in the freezer until either grilled or pan fried for breakfast, lunch or supper! They are best grilled, but we put our grill away for the winter months. I fried up a couple to have as burgers for lunch - yum!
I have been so busy lately getting things ready for our "family gathering" that I am sorry to say I haven't been good about blogging. I won the giveaway of a coupon to use for a new Rowenta steamer iron, and will be getting the mail in coupon soon in the mail. Thank you Cathy from "Hazelruths" blog.
Below are pictures of some of the pillow cases I've been making for all the young people in our lives. These are fun and easy to make. I also have been busy getting other things made and in the mail. Boy is the postage cost out of this world! It costs more to mail things than I thought it was going too, but had some gifts done that needed mailing, so mail them, I did.
The pillow case with the puppies has an appliqued cut out picture of a couple of the puppies, and then I embroidered around each puppy, and filled in the eyes, ears, and markings, as this one is for Marcus. He is about 9 and has been blind since he was 6. I thought that he'd be able to feel the detail on a couple of the puppies. His brother and sister are coming with Stephani. We consider them our adopted grandkids. Marcus won't be coming becasue he needs to have some medical attention daily that I'm not able to do for him.
We are anxiously waiting for everyone to get here. It will be a full, full house!!!!!!!!! But fun!
I still have a couple of projects I'm working on, but having serger problems, so drove that to Fargo, ND (80 miles) to get repaired. They called yesterday, and it is ready, so think I'll drive to Fargo on Friday to get it. I'll make some other shopping stops too!
Have a blessed day!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Hooch has a favorite spot to sit and watch what is going on outside. His eyesight is so good that he can see the barn cat when it is out of the barn - he yips and runs to the door, and runs as fast as he can to give the cat chase. Of course he doesn't catch the cat. It's just the chase he loves! He chases deer out of the barn yard from the spill over of ground feed, rabbits and birds! Love that picture of him looking out!
I got some gift wrapping done today! Need to get to town and make copies of some pictures. Made some cookies yesterday, but they're almost gone. Steve had help getting corn delivered, so fed extra guys today and for coffee breaks. Have to get up early to play bells as a substitute bell ringer at another church in town. Have to be there before 7 am. That puts a crimp into sleeping in!
Next week I play at our church and we have a bell concert in the afternoon on the 20th. We will be having a concert with 3 different church bell choirs, and have done this annually for quite a few years now. I'll be playing with our bell choir, and also subbing for another for the concert too! I do like ringing bells. It is alot easier than being in a band. Was in our community band for several years also, but got tired of the practicing. For me, the bells are a lot easier; and so is the sight reading of music.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Santa Dog supervised decorating the tree!
Santa dog "Hooch" watched me ALL day, putting together the tree and decorating it. I need to remember to get another string of lights, as I have lights two different sizes on the tree. Never remember until I'm in work mode, and not wanting to drive 15 miles into town and then back again with more lights. I'll have to remember now when the lights go on sale after Christmas to get more!
I know I have another plastic tub full of decorations, but didn't dig them out from under the basement staircase. But the tree has plenty on it. There are the ones from the grandkids Blake and Amanda that they have made during the years and from friends. There are some very old (now antique) ornaments that were on our family tree when I was growing up. They still have the old white string on to hang them up with. I just don't want to cut that string off. These are just plastic. There are a few glass ones, but they must be in the other tub, along with alot of the ornaments our kids made. Next year I'll have to rotate.
Hooch was wonderful as Santa Dog, sat so perfectly on command. I want to have Odda in a picture by the tree also, but think that job of getting her and Hooch to sit quietly may be more than Odda can handle. But think I'll try it with help either from Connie or Leah one of these days. First I'll take Odda on a long walk -wear her out a little. That will help.
Maybe we'll even try a Christmas picture when Stephani gets home with her 5 dogs! Wow - 7 dogs by the tree. That's a stretch! Think I'll try for a picture of the DOGS all together outside! Will leave the indoor pictures for baby Renee and the rest of us. In our little house we will have Leah's family and possibly a girlfriend and boyfriend =4 or 6; Steph and Cullen and Nick is coming with them = 3; and then Jessica, Floyd and Renee = 3 and Steve and I=2; and then my sister and hubby=2; total of 16 to try to get a picture in front of the tree. Well, maybe we won't be in front of the tree, there probably isn't room enough for all of us, but we will get a picture of all of us together!
Then when I told Santa Dog "OK, done", he took care of removing his santa hat and beard!
Now that the tree is up I can get some more sewing done and baking! Yesterday daughter Leah and I spent a day together shopping in a neighboring town. She crossed alot of things off her list. My list is in my head! dah! Need to wrap things to make sure all is well on the gift list! We had a fun day together and had a wonderful salad lunch at Perkins. Just our lunch was a day brightner, as it was so good!
I know I have another plastic tub full of decorations, but didn't dig them out from under the basement staircase. But the tree has plenty on it. There are the ones from the grandkids Blake and Amanda that they have made during the years and from friends. There are some very old (now antique) ornaments that were on our family tree when I was growing up. They still have the old white string on to hang them up with. I just don't want to cut that string off. These are just plastic. There are a few glass ones, but they must be in the other tub, along with alot of the ornaments our kids made. Next year I'll have to rotate.
Hooch was wonderful as Santa Dog, sat so perfectly on command. I want to have Odda in a picture by the tree also, but think that job of getting her and Hooch to sit quietly may be more than Odda can handle. But think I'll try it with help either from Connie or Leah one of these days. First I'll take Odda on a long walk -wear her out a little. That will help.
Then when I told Santa Dog "OK, done", he took care of removing his santa hat and beard!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Flooding worry!
Got a wake up call from our daughter in Louisiana and now will be worried about them for the next few days. She had told me yesterday that it had been raining every day there, but I had not realized that it was so bad for them. It has been heavy rain, nonstop stuff. That creates a problem for them there. When I stayed with them last winter it flooded into their storage shed, and they had the vehicles moved out. But this time, they got wet.
Jess says at 12:30 am last night she woke up, really hot, and checked and the heating/air system was not working. So spose the motor on that got flooded and quit. She woke up Floyd and got baby Renee up, and they went over to the babysitter neighbor and spent the night.
But not before damage to their car happened. Jess said there was water inside and the seats, etc. all wet. The guys did get the car moved to higher ground and now they are waiting for insurance adjuster to come out. She didn't go to work today, and is home trying to get stuff cleaned again. She said it is suppose to rain again harder starting this afternoon again. The clean up there is so bad! The bad yuk that gets in the yard comes from the drainage ditches.
I remember when they moved to Louisiana and bought this house. It was a good deal, and I think they bought a little in haste. But their world was so up in the air then with Floyd getting shipped overseas in a few weeks, and a new teaching job for Jess starting. Floyd was in the Marines then and was sent to Africa for a tour of duty. They were so excited to have found this cute house, and had assured us that they weren't in a flood area. Oh well. We all learn and grow from experience. The only thing is, it would be really hard to sell this property now I'm sure. I think they'll be talking to some engineers about building up the area/lot. The neighbors across the road do not flood. So the kids have some big decisions to make here. Some costly decisions whatever they decide.
Picture below was taken when I was there this past spring and it flooded. Cleanup was so yukky!
So Hang int there Jess and Floyd. We're praying for you and better weather to come. I know clean up is a gruelling job, but you will get through this. love you - mom
Jess says at 12:30 am last night she woke up, really hot, and checked and the heating/air system was not working. So spose the motor on that got flooded and quit. She woke up Floyd and got baby Renee up, and they went over to the babysitter neighbor and spent the night.
But not before damage to their car happened. Jess said there was water inside and the seats, etc. all wet. The guys did get the car moved to higher ground and now they are waiting for insurance adjuster to come out. She didn't go to work today, and is home trying to get stuff cleaned again. She said it is suppose to rain again harder starting this afternoon again. The clean up there is so bad! The bad yuk that gets in the yard comes from the drainage ditches.
I remember when they moved to Louisiana and bought this house. It was a good deal, and I think they bought a little in haste. But their world was so up in the air then with Floyd getting shipped overseas in a few weeks, and a new teaching job for Jess starting. Floyd was in the Marines then and was sent to Africa for a tour of duty. They were so excited to have found this cute house, and had assured us that they weren't in a flood area. Oh well. We all learn and grow from experience. The only thing is, it would be really hard to sell this property now I'm sure. I think they'll be talking to some engineers about building up the area/lot. The neighbors across the road do not flood. So the kids have some big decisions to make here. Some costly decisions whatever they decide.
Picture below was taken when I was there this past spring and it flooded. Cleanup was so yukky!
So Hang int there Jess and Floyd. We're praying for you and better weather to come. I know clean up is a gruelling job, but you will get through this. love you - mom
Monday, December 7, 2009
Dog Ball!
Hooch has us kick a ball for him to fetch - every time we go outside, he comes to us with this ball in his mouth. Drops it at our feet and waits until we kick it. Odda runs after him and gets in the way! Hooch then wrestles with the ball to get a good bite on it. The ball isn't a hard rubber one. It 's suppose to have air in it, but it deflates easily. The hot sun makes it stay inflated, but when it gets cold out, like now, it collapses! But he's still in the game mood, and wants us to kick this stupid poor deflated ball! Will have to wait now until spring - and we'll get you a new ball Hooch!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Christmas Past!
The countdown to Christmas is upon us! I love this time of year. Making gifts for family, trying new recipes, having to clean for over night company coming. Putting up the tree - not a real one. Decorating the house with Santa dolls, garland and lights. Sometimes getting myself worked up over it by being too nit picky! Don't know why that happens, it's just the kids and family coming home. But like any mother knows - you do want everything to flow perfectly.
2005 Jess & Steph with Grandma & Grandpa
It's can be a depressing time of year for many people. I chose instead to remember past holiday seasons with alot of warm memories of a mother and father in law that lived on the farm, just across the drive way from us. Grandpa passed away this past Memorial Day, and Grandma passed away a year ago in April. When we got married (soon to be 40 years) we put a new mobile home across the drive way from the big farm house. Our girls grew up having Grandma and Grandpa so close, and it was wonderful. Not many kids have that experience. This will be the first Christmas that now both are gone, and there will be times when sadness will creep into our thoughts and memories of a full house of relatives over at the farm house. As grandkids got bigger, rather than everyone over at the farm house, the teenagers seemed to gravitate to our smaller house, to watch tv, play video games, or just hang out without so much adult noise! At one holiday gathering one of the nephews broke his leg on the exercise nintendo mat! That was something!
We always had a big Christmas Eve meal at Grandmas, and then HAD to clean up before we could open presents. Boy, the little kids sure had a hard time waiting! Then there would be Grandma and Grandpa in their special chairs, and all the rest of us spread around the living room and into the kitchen. A couple of the older grandkids handed out packages, and parents had to try to keep their little ones from tearing into them right away, until all packages were passed out. There were so many of us that we couldn't take turns opening up packages, because there were too many little kids that just couldn't wait - so each family sat together, so at least each mom and dad could control what was going on - making sure nothing would get thrown into the garbage bag that was put out for the paper that was to be thrown out. As the evening got later, our family went to candlelight church service. Jessica sang the song "Sweet Little Jesus Boy" every year for about 6 years. People would start asking in October if Jessica would be home to sing on Christmas Eve. One gentleman came up to me one year after Jessica sang the song and had tears in his eyes. He said that his wife used to sing that same song in church on Christmas Eve every year also. I love the candlelight late church service. Visiting with friends, driving back home, with all of us singing Christmas carols. Everyone can sing good, except me - so I mostly listen (or sing very quietly!).
As years went by, we eventually stopped buying presents for everyone, and just bought for Grandma and Grandpa, and then drew names. Later the drawing of names for us adults even faded, and just the kids changed names. Sometimes there would be a silly gift show up for one of the guys, that no one would be able to figure out which Santa had brought! Bird poop, deer poop, silly hats and alot of other silly things showed up throughout the years.
After we didn't draw adult games we started a dice exchange gift game. Each woman brought a womans gift, man a mans gift, etc. Then we used two pie tins and 2 dice in each plate. We used two plates of dice to pass because we were so many. You had to get a 7 or 11 before you could take a package to open up. After all the packages were out to everyone in the circle, we put the timer on for 2 minutes, and still having to roll a 7 or 11, you could then TAKE a package away from someone; giving them the package you had. It would get pretty wild. Throughout the years we'd have different monitary values set. Sometimes it was around $20.00 that you could spend. Well, some people, just wrapped up a twenty dollar bill in a box, and alot would want that twenty dollar bill. There would be cases of pop; towel sets; tool sets; flashlite sets; drill bits; perfume; new kitchen gadgits, etc. The kids always loved the stuffed animals. A cute Santa doll for decoration, or fancy couch pillows, new slippers, etc. One year we did white elephant gifts. That was a FUN exchange. We didn't have a value, so some gifts were or had been real expensive, but never used much. Some antiques that year, some kitchen gadgets that had been the rage the year before, but never used, etc. Of course, it got real wild when the exchange got going good, and alot of 7 and 11's were rolled, and everyone wanting the same gift. You'd no soon roll your 7 or 11 and take what you wanted, and then loose it to the person next to you because they wanted it! I remember we'd all take note of what Grandma liked, and when she'd get what she liked, we all kind of backed off, so she would end up with it. This will be the second year now that we won't be playing that game, and I think I'll miss it more this year than last.
But one of these years, that game will come back as we get more in our household! We know many families have gone through heartache during this past year and the holidays can be very hard for some. Being a caring friend to someone hurting can help both the giver and receiver! Try it, it works. Remembering the real reason for celebrating Christmas.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
My Ollie Owl Angel
I made my challenge owl today out of a left over felted wool sweater that I had made into a purse earlier. There were just enough scraps to make this little owl, and put felted angel wings on. I had trouble with the halo sitting just right, but that's ok, as this little owl is kind of quirky anyway. Except this is a Cancer Awareness Ollie Owl Angel. The little top knot of gold doesn't show real good in the picture, and I wasn't sure I wanted to add beads, etc. to his little tummy. His tummy is the cable knitted cuff of the sweater, so that gives the tummy some dimension! The pink ribbon is decoration enough. I used yellow felt for his beak, and yellow and blue felt for his feet. I had some little silver beads, and strung them on wire for the halo. Maybe that should be larger. I used a dark grey felt for behind the eyes of old buttons. This Little Ollie Owl Angel is in honor of a friend of mine and I'll be giving it to her so she can hang it on her Christmas tree. She recently had a double mastectomy, and will soon be done with her chemo treatments. She is anxious to have her hair grow back and has been active every day that she hasn't been sick from her treatments. I admire her so much for the strength she has shown to her family and friends.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
What I've been doing!
I think I'm crazy, but enjoy being that way! I've been busy trying to get stuff done - cookbooks that I've been working on for 2 years, and now decided that they will be done before Christmas to give to the girls; making a crib bumper for when Renee comes home for Christmas and sleeps in crib I have here; a special project I've started for my sisters in laws that aren't finished yet; a cloth booklet for baby with our pictures, so when she goes home, she'll have her own book of us Minnesota relatives; etc. etc. etc. Yes, there are a couple more things in the mix too, oh ya, a table runner or two; and more, just can't name them all. Oh and baking to be done too!
Here are the cook books that I've worked on the past 2 years! Want to get them done, so the girls can use them.
I also then sewed a bottom seam to make the covers for the tab pages. The tab sticks out, but that is ok . Hope you can see the pictures well enough to get an idea of what they're like.
Oh, Robyn over at Daisy Quilts has a challenge for anyone to wants too, to make your own Otto the Owl, decorated as each individual wants too. So naturally, I want to do it! Think I must be crazy, but I will start tomorrow. I'm sure it won't take long. My owl will be for a tree ornament. Already have in mind what I want it to look like.
Here is a picture of one of her owls: Otto the Owl.
I'll show you mine as I get it done.
Here are the cook books that I've worked on the past 2 years! Want to get them done, so the girls can use them.
Not completely done decorating the cover.
Want to have the girls' names on each book cover.
Opened, with the inside of the front cover showing a picture of us seven
sister in laws and Grandma.With a note from me, and then my tab picture.
I didn't have the plastic cover slipped on yet here. You can
see the plastic at the bottom. The plastic will save wear and tear on
the pages.
Here you can see how we have decorated pages. The bottom pages are what
sister in law Sue made, and the stand up pages I made.
I can't say that it wasn't fun, but scrap booking isn't my
choice for a hobby. However, we did have fun working together on them.
The cookbooks that WILL get done are being made by us 7 sister in laws for all of the neices and nephews - 20 of them. So we each made a couple pages with recipes on them (scrap booked) and also did a tab page with our picture on it. We also decorated the hard cover of the cookbook. I am waiting to get pages from 5 others to complete the three books for my girls. I made plastic book covers for everyone = 20; and also plastic covers for the tabs for my girls books. What a job. Used the food sealer to make some of the book covers, but then tried sewing the plastic, and I liked that option better. I used 8 guage plastic for the covers, and 4 guage plastic for the tabs. A foot with rollers on it worked great. By using the roller foot, the plastic didn't stick to the regular foot on the sewing machine. I also then sewed a bottom seam to make the covers for the tab pages. The tab sticks out, but that is ok . Hope you can see the pictures well enough to get an idea of what they're like.
Oh, Robyn over at Daisy Quilts has a challenge for anyone to wants too, to make your own Otto the Owl, decorated as each individual wants too. So naturally, I want to do it! Think I must be crazy, but I will start tomorrow. I'm sure it won't take long. My owl will be for a tree ornament. Already have in mind what I want it to look like.
Here is a picture of one of her owls: Otto the Owl.
I'll show you mine as I get it done.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Right Brain - Left Brain!
Caught Steve answering his cell phone the other day when he was already on the land line phone! Don't know about you, but my right and left brain cells probably wouldn't be able to handle two conversations! He looked so funny I had to take a picture.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thankful for - -
I am so thankful for a wonderful family - My husband, our girls and their husbands, grandchildren, our health and wealth of family. We are not wealthy of money, but of love for each other. I thank you Lord for each day we have together.
We wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and weekend. We will be having dinner at noon with Leah's family coming, and an afternoon of games at our kitchen table! Steph, Cullen, TC and Floyd, Jessica and baby will not be with us this Thanksgiving; but will be with us in our hearts.
Christmas 2008
Steph and Spotty, Leah, Amanda
Cullen, Floyd, TC, Steven, Jessica & Blake
Jessica and baby Renee Nov 09
date on pic is wrong.
We wish everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving Day and weekend. We will be having dinner at noon with Leah's family coming, and an afternoon of games at our kitchen table! Steph, Cullen, TC and Floyd, Jessica and baby will not be with us this Thanksgiving; but will be with us in our hearts.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
I Think I'm Happy Again!
Well - after I calmed down a little, I decided to try getting through to Lexmark and found another 800 number - this time it worked. I was on the phone for 2 hrs with Will from the Phillipines! And now my printer is working wonderfully!!!!!!!!!!!! At least it did for the test, etc. etc. I don't have time to do much now, as I have to get ready to go to town for bell practice.
When I am ready to print more again, I'll have to go into Microsoft Windows to print my pictures because they are in KB and not MB. The way I was doing it, they were going to the printer in MB and two pictures took up more space than the printer would handle. So, I learned something new!
The only thing I don't like is now there is a white frame around the picture; but the quality is good. So I guess all is well.
Oh - Will is a father of four kids, 2 boys and 2 girls, and it was 4:30 AM there; 14 hours difference. He sounded very nice. He knew where the Mississippi River started, when I explained that we lived nor far from the source of the Mississippi. It just blows me away to think how this world is changing! I'm glad he helped me, and there was no charge. He assured me that no virus's, etc. would happen from the call.
So all in all, the experience of calling the Lexmark helpline was good. Let's hope all works okey when I get started working on photos again.
When I am ready to print more again, I'll have to go into Microsoft Windows to print my pictures because they are in KB and not MB. The way I was doing it, they were going to the printer in MB and two pictures took up more space than the printer would handle. So, I learned something new!
The only thing I don't like is now there is a white frame around the picture; but the quality is good. So I guess all is well.
Oh - Will is a father of four kids, 2 boys and 2 girls, and it was 4:30 AM there; 14 hours difference. He sounded very nice. He knew where the Mississippi River started, when I explained that we lived nor far from the source of the Mississippi. It just blows me away to think how this world is changing! I'm glad he helped me, and there was no charge. He assured me that no virus's, etc. would happen from the call.
So all in all, the experience of calling the Lexmark helpline was good. Let's hope all works okey when I get started working on photos again.
Printer troubles!
I'm having a down right pissy day! For two days now I have been trying to print some more pictures for my grand baby book, and I have a project I want to do to transfer pictures to material. New ink put in the printer; both the black and color cartridges. I have a Lexmark 8350 printer and is prints wonderful pictures, when done from the Lexmark. Well - it will print one picture, and then it locks up about 1/4 way through the second picture. Can't close out; can't purge that print job from the printer; it just locks everything up!!!!!!!!!!! I've tried twice to call the Lexmark 800 number, and get a recording that they are having technical trouble and please call back.
After i reboot and up again, I can make a screen print okey. Have done Restart about 8 times now. It just makes me livid to have things not work right.
I've unplugged and plugged everything back in, and it still does it. Now what?
Guess I'll take a disc into WMart and get pictures printed, but don't know how I'll get the other project done.
After i reboot and up again, I can make a screen print okey. Have done Restart about 8 times now. It just makes me livid to have things not work right.
I've unplugged and plugged everything back in, and it still does it. Now what?
Guess I'll take a disc into WMart and get pictures printed, but don't know how I'll get the other project done.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Fun Evening
Got a call the other evening from a close friend; "I got a deal today!" she says. "You need to see what I got for a really good price! I'll be right over to show you!"
Of course, she didn't bring her camera, so I got a few pictures when she put a few out. I put some out too, and we sure had fun! I didn't mean to cut her face off - but since it happened - you can keep guessing who it is!!! Felt like a little kid being naughty; except this wasn't such a terrible naughty thing! One neighbor was getting in his car to go to the firemens meeting that night, so we quickly backed out of that driveway until later. I'm sure he saw HER car (she's his aunt) - and wondered what SHE was doing! Since SHE was driving, I probably won't be blamed! ha! We laughed so hard I had tears going down my leg!
A good guessing game for those that have noticed them!!!!! See how dark it was! So now since I've posted this and giving myself up, my partner in crime was - can you guess - Far Side.
Living It Up Country thought she knew who did this! Check her blog out! She is still waiting for her Dad to write a comment on one of her earlier posts about some pictures she took of our old barn - and I've been told that HE IS NOT GOING TO DO IT! So maybe she won't have a "give-away". I'll keep trying to work on him! We all want a "give-away" - right?!
Friday, November 13, 2009
Update on Renee!
So I'm busy sewing and getting Christmas stuff done. Now that Christmas is only 6 weeks away, the time will go fast. Hope I get done what I've planned.
You can see in this picture that she is trying to "talk"!
See you soon baby!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Deer Hunting Time Again!
I've been going through old pictures to find the one where my husband had gone hunting years ago. He went hunting for about 5 years, doing the whole thing of "male bonding" at the hunting shack (one big party if you ask me!) and each year he was un-successful at shooting a buck or doe. Well, I found the picture and had it on the end table in the living room with a few others, waiting to write about hunting, etc. etc.
Today I let Odda (our 7 month old Bernese Mountain pup) in the house for awhile. She and Hooch played awhile and I went about my business, not paying much attention to them, until I walked out into the living room and noticed Odda had chewed up a couple of pictures! Darn! Oh well, will scan it any way. Hubby Steve is the one partly chewed up! Brother in law Willie and Steve both got does that year. This was sometime in the early 70's. Also, this was the last time Steve went hunting! He didn't like killing this deer. Besides that, we're not particularly excited about eating venison. I don't like it at all since that was mostly the meat we grew up eating; and I was just sick and tired of it! So it didn't bother me at all that he hasn't gone hunting since then.
Except - we live on a farm. We plant corn. So therefore we feed deer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One morning from our kitchen window we watched 42 deer leave the South end of our corn field (which is only 18 acres). We can't see the North end of the field from our kitchen window, so don't know how many left the field from that end. Now I wouldn't say there is a shortage of deer in our area. We have neighbors that hunt in the area, and our grandson and son-in-law hunt our property part of the season. But those darn deer are so smart, and don't show up during hunting season. They hunker down in the middle of the corn fields or in the woods until night time - knowing they are safe in the dark!
I like to watch the deer, but they can and do damage crops. They love the beans in our neighboring fields, our corn, and they munch on area grassy pasture land. We have them come into our yard and chew on the trees, crab apples and the trees. They get the dogs barking, so I know when they're here. We have tracks up by the steps even. They like the spilled corn where Steve grinds feed for the pigs.
Don't want to forget the hazzard of deer on the roads; being hit by cars in the early morning or dusk of evening. Since we've been married, I've hit a deer with every car we've had, except this one (so far!). I hope those that are hunting do fill their tags. I like to think that those hunters do like venison meat, and by hunting, it helps them fill their freezers for good meals this winter.
Even though they're pretty to watch, fun to take pictures of, I wish the hunters good luck. This picture is our nephew Max's son Morgan. Max got this deer during bow season, and his son Morgan had to have his picture taken with the deer! Cute - and I'm sure he'll be hunting as soon as he is old enough. He is just a first grader now.
Today I let Odda (our 7 month old Bernese Mountain pup) in the house for awhile. She and Hooch played awhile and I went about my business, not paying much attention to them, until I walked out into the living room and noticed Odda had chewed up a couple of pictures! Darn! Oh well, will scan it any way. Hubby Steve is the one partly chewed up! Brother in law Willie and Steve both got does that year. This was sometime in the early 70's. Also, this was the last time Steve went hunting! He didn't like killing this deer. Besides that, we're not particularly excited about eating venison. I don't like it at all since that was mostly the meat we grew up eating; and I was just sick and tired of it! So it didn't bother me at all that he hasn't gone hunting since then.

Except - we live on a farm. We plant corn. So therefore we feed deer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One morning from our kitchen window we watched 42 deer leave the South end of our corn field (which is only 18 acres). We can't see the North end of the field from our kitchen window, so don't know how many left the field from that end. Now I wouldn't say there is a shortage of deer in our area. We have neighbors that hunt in the area, and our grandson and son-in-law hunt our property part of the season. But those darn deer are so smart, and don't show up during hunting season. They hunker down in the middle of the corn fields or in the woods until night time - knowing they are safe in the dark!
I like to watch the deer, but they can and do damage crops. They love the beans in our neighboring fields, our corn, and they munch on area grassy pasture land. We have them come into our yard and chew on the trees, crab apples and the trees. They get the dogs barking, so I know when they're here. We have tracks up by the steps even. They like the spilled corn where Steve grinds feed for the pigs.
Don't want to forget the hazzard of deer on the roads; being hit by cars in the early morning or dusk of evening. Since we've been married, I've hit a deer with every car we've had, except this one (so far!). I hope those that are hunting do fill their tags. I like to think that those hunters do like venison meat, and by hunting, it helps them fill their freezers for good meals this winter.
Even though they're pretty to watch, fun to take pictures of, I wish the hunters good luck. This picture is our nephew Max's son Morgan. Max got this deer during bow season, and his son Morgan had to have his picture taken with the deer! Cute - and I'm sure he'll be hunting as soon as he is old enough. He is just a first grader now.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Remembering our Veterans and Soldiers
All veterans and soldiers are our heroes! The cost of freedom isn't free. This veteran soldier was injured in war and never a waking moment goes by that he doesn't forget what happened!
September 10, 11 and 12th I posted about visiting the Traveling Memorial. Check out those older posts. Click on the "label" below "the wall" and they'll come up!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Little Church in the Country
We attended a wedding last fall where daughter Stephani and husband Cullen were both in the wedding. The church was a little country church in southern Minnesota that doesn't have weekly services, but is still used for weddings and such by the families that take care of the church and cemetery. The brides family had grandparents and great grandparents that were early members of this little Lutheran church. Her great-grandfather helped to build this church.
The flag on my blog header is a 48 State flag. It hangs on the South wall of the church. This 48 Star flag was used from 1912 through 1959. The flag that Steph and Cullen are standing by, is on the north wall across from the 48 Star flag, and the stars show the number of members from this church that were gone to WWI, and the horizontal stars indicate the number of members that did not return. I can only imagine how hard it was for those families of this small community to have sent their loved ones to war; and not to ever see them again. Their bodies are probably some of the many soldiers (over 104,000 in both WWI and WWII) that are buried on foreign soil. With the flags still hanging there, you know how important it was for those that went to church there. With the flags hanging where all could see - they were reminded each time they were there of the fathers, brothers or uncles that were gone to war. There were no telephones to call home weekly. They were lucky to be able to send a letter occasionally. None of the modern conveniences we have today.
This little church has the origianl lantern fixtures hanging from the ceiling. The old carpet on the floor has that smell of "dusty old". The front of the santuary is original. All so beautiful. These early settlers did a wonderful job of building this little church. There is a balcony in the back, with a couple of rows of seats.
Would they have used that for a choir or maybe just overflow. I don't think the church would hold over 100 people. The old pump organ still works-but I'm not sure how many people today could play it. I'm sure the old organ really "sang" when it was played.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Lil Bobcat!
Late this afternoon our neighbor called, asking if we were missing our cat. Steve had answered the phone, and told him we just had a barn cat, and that he is black, and should be out in the barn. Al told us we should come see what he had in his live trap, teasing that maybe it is our cat! So we went over. He had set a live trap by his garage trying to catch some of the wild racoons that have been making a mess of his yard and garden. Well, he had caught this young bobcat. Not much bigger than a large domestic cat. He was so frightened, and hissing. His tail was just a bob of a tail, and the back of its ears were tipped black. Wish I could have gotten a picture of it without the cage. Al will be letting him go, up the Smokey Hills area, away from our houses and pets.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Goodbye Halloween 2009!
It snowed yesterday and last night, and woke up to this...........

Later this afternoon, as it was warming up a little, the sun tried to peek through. Forecast for next week is looking better.

Some of our trick or treaters!



We had the normal number of kids come, and our last visitors were Vivie and Gabby - they walked right in and made themselves at home!

We had a good visit with them, their father and grand father. I wonder if they already had enough sugar in their system. Look at those smiles! The girls played with Hooch, and shared their suckers with him. He sure liked that!!!!

The bottles of candy were hits with the kids, and the kids had a good time trying to figure out how to get the candy out! Most of them were small enough to think that all they had to do was to take the cap off.
Vivie and Gabby helped themselves to our other candy (less for Steve and I to eat later) and they had Hooch doing tricks for dog treats. They especially like the trick where he is sitting on hind haunches and front paws up in the air with a dog bone treat on his nose, sitting for a minute, and when we tell him to "get it!", he tosses the treat up with his nose and then catches it. He was in good form tonight and crawled on the flower, rolled over, danced and played dead when they shot him!
When they left at 9:45 pm, there was frost on our wood patio out the front door. It was slippery! So as the temperature gets lower tonight, I'm sure the roads may be a little slippery. Glad I'm home and not having to go out in the cold. Hope the snow melts off tomorrow.
Now we wait for another year til next Halloween.
Later this afternoon, as it was warming up a little, the sun tried to peek through. Forecast for next week is looking better.
Some of our trick or treaters!
We had the normal number of kids come, and our last visitors were Vivie and Gabby - they walked right in and made themselves at home!
We had a good visit with them, their father and grand father. I wonder if they already had enough sugar in their system. Look at those smiles! The girls played with Hooch, and shared their suckers with him. He sure liked that!!!!
The bottles of candy were hits with the kids, and the kids had a good time trying to figure out how to get the candy out! Most of them were small enough to think that all they had to do was to take the cap off.
Vivie and Gabby helped themselves to our other candy (less for Steve and I to eat later) and they had Hooch doing tricks for dog treats. They especially like the trick where he is sitting on hind haunches and front paws up in the air with a dog bone treat on his nose, sitting for a minute, and when we tell him to "get it!", he tosses the treat up with his nose and then catches it. He was in good form tonight and crawled on the flower, rolled over, danced and played dead when they shot him!
When they left at 9:45 pm, there was frost on our wood patio out the front door. It was slippery! So as the temperature gets lower tonight, I'm sure the roads may be a little slippery. Glad I'm home and not having to go out in the cold. Hope the snow melts off tomorrow.
Now we wait for another year til next Halloween.
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