Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Bed Is a Bed Where Ever It Is

Our niece Christin visits us at least once a year, and last summer she came with new baby Kayla, about 2 weeks old at the time. It's been a long time since a tiny baby had stayed at our home. We didn't have a crib, bassinet or play pen, so baby Kayla had the next best thing to sleep in.

I am hoping by the time our new grand daughter Renee comes to stay that we will have better accommodations for her; but in case we don't a drawer will always work if she isn't too big.

I often wish our daughter and niece Christin lived a little closer to each other. Throughout the years they have had alot of fun together, and it would be such fun to see their children play together like they used to.

Kayla turned one on June 29th, so she is just over a year older than grand daughter baby Renee. Happy belated Birthday to Kayla.

1 comment:

g said...

What a little sweetheart...Happy birthday baby K.
You know that we slept in a drawer also,until we were big enough for a big girls bed...that is what I was told. Hmm...
Kayla and Renee will have good times in future years to come. It will be alot of fun for them.g